When designing for the office, we aim to create beautiful and innovative office furniture solutions that make the workday more comfortable and productive. We realize that comfort in the workplace can lead to increased efficiency and that appealing design can inspire creativity.

Whether working on a time-sensitive proposal or merely paying the family bills, thoughtful office design plays an integral role in supporting workplace productivity and comfort. 

Here are a few guidelines and ergonomic tips that will help you improve your office comfort and productivity.

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Get on your feet.

Medical professionals recommend a mixture of sitting and standing throughout the day for a healthier work environment. Using a height-adjustable standing desk keeps your body in motion, which is proven to increase circulation and productivity. Set an alarm to periodically remind you to alternate between sitting and standing for maximum benefit.

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Close at hand.

Keep office supplies and equipment within reach to maximize efficiency throughout the workday.

File storage and printers should be accessible but stored away to minimize clutter and distraction. Consider a mobile solution that will move with you as your workday dictates. Locking storage provides security for records and personal valuables.

At BDI, we understand that where you work affects how you work. By paying attention to the way your office is arranged and organized, you can quickly take steps to increase your everyday comfort and productivity.

Ready to take your office organization to the next level? Check out our useful tips for improved office wire management

Design Stories

Picking the Perfect Office Furniture

Creating a productive and comfortable workplace requires just a little extra forethought, effort, and attention to detail. Here is some helpful advice to consider when selecting office furniture and setting up your ideal workspace.
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